AI and Law Journal: Special Issue in Memory of Carole Hafner - Second Call for Papers

There will be a special issue of AI and Law journal in memory of Carole Hafner, one of the founding editors of the journal. Papers are requested by 31 May 2016, with a view to publication in the last issue of the current volume. Full details are at
It would also be helpful if those intending to submit could send the editor (Trevor Bench-Capon: notice of this intention, preferably with a title and an abstract, to help with planning for the reviews.
We also intend to include some personal memories of Carole, so if you have something you would like to be included in this section, please contact the editor (Trevor Bench-Capon:

Please send intentions to submit and personal recollections to me as soon as is convenient.

Trevor Bench-Capon

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